Although Energy healing has been around for hundreds of years it has recently become accepted and used in professional medicine and hospitals around the world. There are a
For thousands of years, music and sounds have been used in sound healing rituals and prayer for healing. In modern times, sound healers, energy healers, spiritual healers, and
Since the time we first learn the world around us we are taught that our experience of the world is a combination of sensory experiences processed and stored
Are alternative and holistic healers capable of helping with wrinkles, anti-aging and skin. Its been shown that energy healing can be beneficial to physical injury, medical conditions and
Reiki when translated, means universal life force energy from the Japanese language. The Reiki modality is a newly popular form of energy healing, originally created by Dr. Mikao
We are surrounded by so many forms of communication that the sheer volume of information can make it difficult to form solid opinions or feelings on what is