Locate Alternative healing and Complimentary Healers, Healing Events, & Healing Services

Discover healers who offer Alternative healing and Complimentary therapies for health and healing.

Healing our minds body emotions and world experience is accomplished by each of us loving and healing ourselves.

To all visitors, energy healers, and all who come to visit our site, we are so very thankful for you to read and share this information. We assure you, it is not by mistake that you are visiting, and encourage your individual wisdom and study of the possibility of love and compassion in all of life. Our mission is to spread the messages and services of healing, forgiveness, compassion, health, wellness, love, joy and faith. We hope to encourage a deeper exploration into the greatness in each of you and the world you live in. It is our greatest hope that you will find something on our web pages to encourage you to seek more knowledge of Energy healing, Love, Truth and of the possibilities of peace and harmony among all people. We know the miracles exist!

There exist no limitations and no qualifications for an individual to find healing, to find love and truth, and since love and truth are the greatest powers existing in our universe, there exist no limit to what a person who finds love and truth can do. Although you may not yet be aware of it, there is a life without shame, fear, guilt, or judgement. There exists a life of peace and unity, health and prosperity, abundance and joy. The day you can first accept this as a possibility, is the day your life will change forever. Perhaps you are only curious or perhaps you seek healing for yourself or a loved one. Whatever your reason maybe we send our love and blessings that you may find the right energy healer, Reiki healer, or person and path to assist you.

If you are a healing professional please sign up and apply to create your own portfolio.

Please visit our new healing apps pages Crystal ball, Spin Wheel, Robo healer, and Journey.

Healer, Isha, Curador, Curandero, guérisseur, guaritore, De genezer, guérisseur Heiler, Alternativtherapeut,

cicatriz, person som botar
USA – Energy / Japan – Ki / China – Chi / Greece – Pneuma / Polynesian – Mana

Healers do not compete with their power or celebrate in their works of miracles, but rather surrender to the fact that they as healers, recieve the greatest gift. We offer you blessings and wish you well on your journey.

The OHM symbol represents omnipotent, omnipresent, and the source of all manifest and unmanifest existence.

Donations are graciously appreciated and are extremely thankful for your contributions. We are seeking funding to bring about the development of other healing projects including sound healing, water healing, and other channeled plans that we would love your participation in developing or funding