2023 Psychic Predictions

2023 psychic predictions

  1. A new whistle blower arises to bring very critical information and people will loose faith in the corruption of the system and media.
  2. The fake news will finally begin to crumble Once a supreme court declares incredible revelations to be made public.
  3. There will be an epic change that starts with both Biden and Putin passing away, what follows shocks the world. The energy in this event is beyond anything we have seen in our lifetime
  4. The economy will get worse and almost all real estate in the USA and Europe will go down in value.
  5. The virus will be found to have been not very dangerous and highly exaggerated. The shut downs were done for an evil reason of controlling the people
  6. Government scandals will rock the world, this is a time of great awakening and revealing the truth. The truth about UFO’s secret agencies and vast corruption will be shocking but the young will act as if they have known all along. Many Secrets and much corruption exposed
  7. The economies of some small nations will revalue and there will be celebrations
  8. People will see the true evil in political plans and Hollywood actors unfortunately many in the USA and that they used their fame to orchestrate truly evil things.
  9. Weird weather in places people do not expect
  10. Large earthquake coming in the USA over 8 in magnitude may still occur late 2022
  11. Sound will be used in the development of many new medical procedures and or cures
  12. Bitcoin and other crypto currencies will face hard times but eventually this will become a new system of money and contracting
  13. Silver will go up in value as will platinum but take note value is not always reflected in price but it always comes around
  14. There are some sort of chemicals being used in the sky,? used to modify weather maybe stop the rain and keep the global warming narrative going.. it’s evil and full of lies
  15. More food shortages and supply chain controversies will emerge
  16. Originally Posted 2020- *Facebook Google and Twitter will be caught manipulating data and being used as propaganda weapons. Amazon and other perhaps just as guilty will escape prosecution for the near future, but their day has come
  17. Many people will return to Christ as a new wave of glory and revelation begins, rejoicing in newly found truth.
  18. The interest in Ukraine music and culture grows around the world
  19. North Korea will test bombs under the ocean this will not be good
  20. Geologist and other scientist will see earth changes that to them seem impossible and they will not be able to explain them.
  21. Symbolism used in brands, logos, buildings, cities and everywhere around us will be revealed to have a much deeper and darker meaning behind it
  22. numbers will continue to appear to many people in sequence giving them a sign that spirit is sending a message. 444 11;11 222
  23. Illnesses and other health problems related to some tattoos will begin to emerge
  24. Lab grown meats will become a consumer reality McLab Steak?
  25. A new source of energy much greater than solar will soon arise, this new technology and energy will bring enormous change and opportunity.

Thank you for reading our 2023 predictions and visiting our pages. We wish you the best year ever, and please remember nothing is set in stone. Humans are given free will and they have options. Every moment is a choice, to love, or not to love, these are the only options. God, The Heavenly Father, The Divine your creator loves you dearly and wants you to be close. Reach out in prayer and by doing good things for others, and you will surely be rewarded.